Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Concluding This Year's "Publishing Scholarly Research" Tour

My sabbatical (2023-2024) "Publishing Scholarly Research" tour came to a nice conclusion today at WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management in Vallendar, Germany.  (Just down the Rhine River from Koblenz and the "German Corner.")  Although the number of participants was relatively small, what the group lacked in quantity they made up for in quality.  This was the eighth time I have done the seminar at WHU, including six times in person and two times (during COVID) via Zoom.  We concluded the seminar today in a nice fashion. 

The 2024 "PSR" at WHU...what a great looking group!

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Continuing the "Publishing Scholarly Research" Tour

I was invited to conduct my publishing seminar at the University of Hamburg.  Through some interesting conversations, Anja Class (our German "daughter" who lived with us for a year (the year Samantha went off to college) learned that her advisor (Silke Boenigk) knew me.  Silke was on the faculty at the University of Lucerne (Switzerland) in the early 2000's and Dwayne taught some MBA courses 3-4 times during that time period.  Once this was discovered, she and Dwayne had conversations about doing the seminar at her university.

Anja is in the first row, second from the right.

Although Anja is not a PhD candidate, she sat in on about half of the seminar...she was interested in what I would say about her, about Silke, and about publishing academic research.  She might have sat in on the entire seminar, but she was busy getting her (Master's) thesis done this week.

The last part of the publishing process is celebrating success.  It seems this group learned that aspect first!