Thursday, April 21, 2016

A "DJ" Contest for a UNICEF Fundraiser in Ingolstadt, Germany

Less than 24 hours after I landed in Germany (coming in from Australia), I was asked by Jens Hogreve and the Services Management Department at the Catholic University of Eichstatt-Ingolstadt to be a part of a "DJ contest," apparently an annual event here. It was a dance for students at the university to raise money for UNICEF. Faculty of the various departments were to put together a 30-minute set of music for students to dance to.
The Services Management department had a beach theme to their music.  Jens Hogreve (left) was the lead DJ.
I cannot recall the last time I was in a dark, crowded night club at 11:30 p.m. listening to loud, contemporary German music.  But, I think it has been a while...
You should have seen ME dancing...or, maybe not!
Lots of money was raised, and a story about the professors being involved in the event appeared on Saturday in the local Ingolstadt newspaper.
Jens Hogreve, Werner Kunz (on sabbatical from UMass-Boston), and Dwayne
Apparently, according to my sister Tammy, this story was subsequently picked up by USA Today...

It is amazing the things you get to do (or, are forced to do) while on sabbatical.  Who would have predicted this?

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